Ravi is a copywriter from Sri Lanka who loves cinema, coffee, and casually dropping existential curveballs like “Is free will an illusion?” into everyday conversations. Here’s his story so far:
PROLOGUE: 9-year-old RAVINDU WILEGODA sits cross-legged in a cluttered room, wide-eyed as he watches the Apple “The Crazy Ones” ad. Struck by a lightning bolt of inspiration (or maybe a touch of madness) he decides, right then and there, to become a copywriter.
ACT I: Fast-forward 11 years. A still-bright-eyed Ravi lands an internship at the legendary Leo Burnett Sri Lanka, diving straight into a project that would become one of the country’s most awarded campaigns. From there, he moves on to agencies like Saatchi & Saatchi, Wunderman Thompson, and Publicis, expanding his brand repertoire (and caffeine addiction), while navigating the Kafkaesque world of advertising—occasionally pausing to wonder where all that youthful passion went.
ACT II: One day, he stumbles upon a quote: “The quality of your writing is directly related to your understanding of human behaviour.” Inspired, Ravi embarks on a year-long hiatus, immersing himself in literary classics, philosophical texts, and cinematic masterpieces. Sure, the existential crises were abundant and the economy was in freefall, but for Ravi, this was a peaceful time.
ACT III: Then, a call. An old partner invites him back to Leo Burnett—this time in Singapore! With a suitcase full of half-finished novels and an absurd number of black tees, Ravi sets off with renewed purpose. In Singapore, he and his partner JAY quickly become the agency’s go-to team for craft-led work; pumping out initiative ideas, premium whisky packaging, and the occasional fun McDonald’s project.
THE NEXT CHAPTER: This year, Ravi tackles his biggest campaign yet—launching Disney Cruise Line’s first ship in Asia! Safe to say, it’s been quite the Adventure!