Initiative Ideas
Initiative Ideas
Bowmore Dragonborn Edition
In Chinese culture, the Year of the Dragon is is regarded as the most auspicious time to have children, with those born during this period believed to be blessed with good fortune and destined for greatness. Every 12 years, birth rates in East and Southeast Asia surge as parents intentionally time their children’s births to align with this symbolic occasion, hoping to give them the best start in life.
To celebrate this once-in-12-years phenomenon, we created the Dragonborn Limited Edition—a rare 21-year-old single malt whisky that matures alongside the “Dragonborn” child. Reserved at birth, this whisky will be gifted on their 21st birthday, symbolizing both the child’s journey to adulthood and drawing a parallel with the story of a single malt whisky’s long maturation.
Casked in 2024, families will be able to track the whisky as it matures, ensuring its careful stewardship for 21 years. In 2045, this meaningful gift will be delivered, symbolizing not only the child’s journey to adulthood but also the love and devotion of parents who placed their faith in destiny, ensuring their child’s future is as extraordinary as the year they were born.
Janath Gamage – Senior Art Director/Designer
Ravindu Wilegoda– Senior Copywriter
Sharim Gubbels – Executive Creative Director
Shazam “Safe Word” Initiative
In Sri Lanka, the crisis of rape is an unsettling reality that often goes unspoken. A woman is raped every 90 minutes, and shockingly, 97% of rapists face no legal consequences due to a lack of evidence. This grim situation is deeply rooted in systemic issues, influenced by various factors over the years.
To address this staggering crisis, we propose a safety feature integrated into Shazam, a music listening app. Auto Shazam, a feature which continuously listens for music in the background, could be adapted to call for help with a designated code word or phrase. Users would record a “safe word” which, when activated, sends an emergency alert to local authorities and a chosen emergency contact. Simultaneously, it initiates an audio recording to capture critical evidence of the incident.
This crisis is deeply embedded in societal norms and systemic challenges, and no single initiative can claim to resolve it completely—however, inaction is just as unacceptable. Our goal is to equip women with a vital tool for their safety, giving them a fighting chance against one of the most heinous crimes imaginable. Over time, we aspire to empower survivors to pursue legal action, establish precedents through successful convictions using audio recordings as evidence, and deter potential abusers in future.